Anthony Suber

Anthony Suber is a Texas native working and living in the South. Suber studied art at an early age graduating from the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Houston and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Houston, receiving a BFA in painting.  As a painter, sculptor, and educator, his work focuses on historical references, spirituality and the contemporary African American experience through the lens of his personal experiences of religion and social relationships in a post modern sociery. Channeling his love for history and art historical reference, Suber works primarily with emlematic connections, chronolofical references and narrative "stills." In doing so, Suber seeks to capture a part of the human experience that allows the viewer to participate in the compositional contruct. As an artist and educator Suber strives to create work that is timeless and informs with sensitivity to the viewer. Currently outside of his personal work, Suber is working on creating an arts educational program for under-served communities in the Houstno area. The focus of this program is to create an opportunity not just for enrichment, but to serve the greater community by providing an effective voice to those who otherwise would be marginalized.