Jasmin Penelope Charles

Jasmin Penelope Charles is a futuristic, ancient, abstract painter and violinist who operates as a messenger between realms that are only accessible via stillness... She honors her personal connection to her mixed Afro-Cuban-American heritage and lived experiences through the intuitive use of thick, heavy body acrylics that range in colorways and shapes to express the complex genius of chaos

Jasmin Penelope Charles is a futuristic, ancient, abstract painter and violinist who operates as a messenger between realms that are only accessible via stillness. Her devotion is greatly inspired by human connection and the breaking down and rebuilding of human ego, which she regularly practices through ceremonial acknowledgements of life and death. All of Charles' paintings are unique meditations, first visualized during plant medicine sessions and then brought into fruition; they tend to serve as rituals of returning home to the self. Some works are obsessive and pattern heavy with a musical presence, while others are beautifully grotesque faces which appear quickly or after some time spent patiently observing the work. Charles honors her personal connection to her mixed Afro-Cuban-American heritage and lived experiences through the intuitive use of thick, heavy body acrylics that range in colorways and shapes to express the complex genius of chaos.  Painting is one of Charles' grounding practices of ceremony and the viewer's time spent observing them is an act of  connecting with Jasmin Penelope Charles.